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Evolution of the Brassicaceae-specific MS5-Like family and neofunctionalization of the novel MALE STERILITY 5 gene essential for male fertility in Brassica napus

New Phytol. 2020; 
Xinhua Zeng, Hao Li, Keqi Li, Rong Yuan, Shengbo Zhao, Jun Li, Junling Luo, Xiaofei Li, Hong Ma, Gang Wu, Xiaohong Yan
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Proteins, Expression, Isolation and Analysis … His-SUN1 and GST-BnMS5a sonicated cell lysates were mixed with GST resin (GenScript, Piscataway, NJ, USA) and incubated at 4°C overnight, and then the mixtures were washed and eluted with elution buffer. The collected … Get A Quote


New genes (or lineage-specific genes) can facilitate functional innovations. MALE STERILITY 5 (MS5) in Brassica napus is a fertility-related new gene, which has two wild-type alleles (BnMS5 and BnMS5 ) and two mutant alleles (BnMS5 and BnMS5 ) that could induce male sterility. Here, we studied the history and functional evolution of MS5 homologs in plants by phylogenetic analysis and molecular genetic experiments. We identified 727 MS5 homologs and found that they define a Brassicaceae-specific gene family that has expanded partly via multiple tandem gene duplications and also probably transpositions. The MS5 in B. napus is inherited from a basic diploid ancestor of B. rapa. Molecular genetic experiments indi... More


Brassica MS5, SUN protein, lineage-specific gene, male fertility, neofunctionalization, new gene, telomeric dynamics